Friday, May 4, 2012

First Veggies - Tomatoes & Courgettes (Zucchini)

We haven't had to water for about 2-3 weeks now as there really hasn't been much sun.  We wired up this rather over elaborate irrigation system, so that when the 'watering' really kicks in, we don't loose the will and the plants survive :+).
We have the beginnings of courgettes (zucchini) and cherry tomatoes growing.
Our first courgette is growing at the base of the flower.

The beginning of our cherry tomato crop is on it's way.

The other tomato plants are flowering and the peppers and pumpkins are also starting to flower.
Check out those pumpkin plants!

Since the beginning of April have been harvesting:
  • coriander
  • basil
  • arugula
  • mustard leaves
  • chives
  • mint
  • sage
  • oregano

We are starting to get bugs and I have tried to get rid of them by having a bird feeder above the tomatoes.  That hasn't really worked.  I have asked about using decoy plants or plants which repel the bugs, however I have got mixed feedback on that, so I have decided to resort to pesticides...  I have managed to find some 'organic' pesticides which I am told should do the job.  The brand is 'Green Light', I bought it from a very nice local nursery called Anderson's and the two types are Neem II and BT Worm Killer, they only use natural ingredients.  I will report on the outcome!


  1. I have just harvested some delicious arugula. Mmmm, little bit of bbq'd chicken some home grown salad and home baked bread. Lovely.

  2. Looks like the pesticides have done a pretty good job. We are not bug free but things have definately improved and the fruit and veg are not currently being effected. It is really just the leaves, especially the leaves of the various pepper plants.
