Friday, June 8, 2012

Loving the language

As a British person living in the US, I am aware of the differences in language between British English and American English.  And yes, in the Veggie Patch there are those differences, which I love and joke about with my American friends and my children :+)

Currently I am using the names below in an interchangable manner, however, I think I may just settle on the words I prefer, as I have never been a purist in language ;+)
Courgette or Zucchini
Aubergine or Eggplant
Coriander or Cilantro
Soil or Dirt

Currently Zucchini and Aubergine are clear winners for me.  I have yet to decide between Coriander and Cilantro...

And then there is the whole difference in prenunciation: tomato, herb, basil and oregano are some that come to mind.  Of course I still use the British English prenunciation.

Click here for a website written by a Brit who lives in Texas which is pretty extensive on the difference between British English and American English vocabulary and is quite amusing with it.

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